THE METHOD they use is that of the Hegelian dialectic: thesis played against antithesis leads to a synthesis in other words for Hegel, for history to make progress you have to have conflict. And when you look at the key people in The Order you will find that they generate conflict....Out of conflict you've got profit, you've got political power, and you can direct history. And if you lookat the writings for example of the Trilateral Commission, they talk openly in the Trilateral Commission about managing conflict, not solving conflict but managing conflict

Antony Sutton

researcher, economist, historian, professor, and writer

Antony C. Sutton with Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on how the Order of Skull & Bones controls Education, and creates Wars and Revolutions, Montana, February 28, 1984.

Stan Monteith Interviews Antony Sutton About How American Banks And Wall Street Funded Hitler


“We’re talking with Antony Sutton who for many was a research fellow at Hoover Institute but of course contrary to what most people believe – Hoover Institute being the great bastion of anti-communism – when professor Sutton began to write about how we had financed communism since its inception, he came under tremendous tremendous pressure and eventually was forced out of Hoover Institute. Because they’re certain things that scholars are not supposed to investigate and of course most of that is the fact that since the inception of communism has been funded by great American banks and great American corporations. So we’ve been talking about first of all his trilogy of books: Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, which is the classic analysis of documentation of the fact that since the very inception of communism it was funded by the west. And then of course we get into the three books, the so called wall street trilogy: Wall street and the Bolsheviks revolution, Wall street and The Rise of Hitler, and then of course Wall street and FDR. And I think of course one of the most shocking parts of this whole trilogy is the fact that: we actually funded Adolph Hitler. I think that when you begin to realize the funding that came to Hitler to allow him to build up his war machine, that to finance his expansion of his power over the German people, this is the part that I think is most shocking to the average American…”

Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire joins us today to discuss his recent article on "Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex." Topics discussed include the NGO/State Dept/Pentagon/NATO nexus, the use of human rights as a perception management tool to demonise NATO enemies, and the complicity of the media in reporting these stories uncritically. - corbettreport 05/02/2016

Cuban-born journalist and author Alex Abella was allowed exclusive access inside the RAND Corporation to view their archives. What he discovered was a plot driven by mad scientists, behaviorists, and generals who were intent on starting world war three and fleecing the American people in the process. Once he was a skeptic on the subject of conspiracy theories and the new world order, but after his work with the RAND Corporation he is now convinced that this top secret think tank has been pulling the strings of American government for at least 60 years .

The RAND Corporation Exposed

Episode 175 – The RAND Corporation Exposed


Running Time: 55:40

Description:What is a think tank and how can a mere research institution actually shape the society it claims to be studying? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we head down into the nuclear bunker with the boys from RAND to unearth the secrets of the research institution that has molded our world for the past 60 years.